Anciens événements

Education and Innovation Summit
23 June 2022

The Education and Innovation Summit will bring together key actors from the world of Education and Innovation to share knowledge and inspiring experiences on innovative education practices and on building bridges between the education and higher education communities, and their surrounding innovation ecosystems.

Conference Future Governance Models of the European Universities – 5th May 2022 Brussels

One of the challenges for the 41 European University alliances is the definition of governance and management structures, not only during the pilot period but also in the long run. Although a variety of models have already been implemented inside the existing alliances, several issues remain to be clarified, especially outside the alliances and related with their legal statute in the European arena for education and research transformation.

In order to discuss these issues and further deepen the reflection around the European Universities initiative, the FilmEU Alliance is promoting a conference in Brussels on the 5th of May on the topic of “Future Governance models of the European Universities”. 

Brussels, Belgium and online
European Research and Innovation Days 2022
28-29 September 2022

This year’s European Research and Innovation Days gives you the opportunity to discuss and shape new solutions to strengthen Europe’s resilience and its strategic autonomy. Join us to debate how research and innovation deliver on the European Commission’s priorities.

EAIE Ideas Lab: Supporting Ukraine

Join this interactive ideas lab to share and discuss ideas for how the international education community can support Ukrainian institutions and affected students and academics. Places are limited.

"Inclusive Excelence" - A Global Approach for European Higher Education

The panellists will discuss what inclusive excellence means for HE actors in the context of global cooperation, how this approach could be (better) leveraged to achieve institutional, national, and European level missions, what could be done at the European level to enable these processes, and more.

This seminar is co-organised by the Academic Cooperation Association (ACA), the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), the Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills (HK-dir), VLUHR International, and the Czech National Agency for International Education and Research – Czech Liaison Office for Education and Research in Brussels (DZS-CZELO).

Brussels + Online
2022 Coimbra Group Annual Conference: «Universa Universis» Academic Freedom in a Transforming World
7-10 June 2022

The event forms part of the celebrations of the 800th anniversary of the University of Padua. The public conference, on 9 June morning, will discuss "800 years of Academic Freedom: lessons from the past to shape the future"

Presentation of ECIU paper on Challenge-Based Research
24 May at 15:00 CET

ECIU University invites you to the presentation of its Challenge Based Research paper, and to discuss how we can enhance the impact driven approach of European Universities. The event takes place at 15:00-17:00 CET at Rue d'Arlon 22 in Brussels, and there will be a livestreaming for those that cannot join physically.

2nd exploratory event towards a European Universities Initiatives Thematic group

EARMA is keen to support members and the wider community of RMAs in their efforts to support European Universities Initiative. With this in mind, EARMA is proposing to establish a 'Thematic Group' focusing on these universities. EARMA would now like to gauge interest in such a 'Thematic Group'. To do that, we are holding two events : 1 remote event, March 15, 2022, and a second in-person event, May 19, 2022.

The 1st event (March 15, 2022) concentrated on these universities and how they are progressing and was opened by Professor Ludovic Thilly - Vice-RectorPoitiers/ EC2U, the Secretary General of the Coimbra group and the convenor of the FOREU2 high-level coordination group - who spoke about the Initiative and how it is likely to evolve. This was followed by 4 short presentations and Q&A from individual university networks. The four participating universities alliances was Una Europa, EUt+, 4EU+ and UNIVERSEH.

The 2nd event (May 19, 2022) will take those presentations, your reflections and continue the conversation with the intention of establishing the 'EARMA Universities Initiative Thematic Group' and its work programme for the coming years.

Information Session | Master's in Global Challenges for Sustainability

Students interested in the second edition of the Master's in Global Challenges for Sustainability are invited to attend a virtual information session in which CHARM-EU will review the program admission requirements, learning expectations, mobility opportunities, inclusion features and answer any questions participants may have. 

FAUBAI 2022 Virtual Conference

The Brazilian Association for International Education FAUBAI will host the FAUBAI 2022 Conference on April 25-27, 2022. The general theme is Known Concepts, New Meanings. What has changed in the internationalization of higher education? How can the future of the internationalization of higher education be projected
