Speakers and Contributors

We are delighted and honoured to announce speakers and contributors who have accepted our invitation to attend and contribute to the Internationalisation of European Universities Alliances: the new frontiers. Stay tuned for further announcements!

Marie A

Marie Azuelos

Deputy Vice President for International Affairs at Sciences Po
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Marie Azuelos is the Deputy Vice President for International Affairs at Sciences Po. She has been working at Sciences Po since 2012 and strongly contributed to the international development of the institution these past 10 years, in different capacities: She previously served as Director of the Summer School & Short Courses, Manager of the Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program and International Affairs Manager for Asia and the Pacific. Prior to joining Sciences Po, Marie served as the Deputy Director for international affairs at Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, a leading French engineering school, and as European Projects Manager at the Paris Chamber of commerce and industry. A Sciences Po and Sorbonne Université alumna, Marie also studied in Germany at the Freie Universität Berlin.

Paco Beltran

Francisco Beltrán Lloris

Full professor of Ancient History, University of Zaragoza
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Francisco's main research interests are the Latin and Palaeohispanic epigraphies and the ancient history of Hispania, and more recently the irrigation in the Roman west.

Leader of several funded research projects on Pliny the Elder, tesserae and tabulae hospitales, bilingualism in ancient Hispania, the supports of Palaeohispanic epigraphy or the origins of epigraphic cultures in the Roman west, he is also involved in the Hesperia Palaeohispanic online databank (Madrid), the Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum (Berlin) and Fontes epigraphici Religiounum Celticarum antiquarum (Vienna). He has published papers in journals as Journal of Roman Studies, Epigraphica, Chiron, Journal of Roman Archaeology, Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies, Dialogues d'Histoire Ancienne, Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, Gerión, Archivo Español de Arqueología or Palaeohispanica, and several books on the Latin inscriptions of Saguntum (1980) and of the Tarraco amphitheater (1991), the third Celtiberian bronze of Botorrita (1996), the Roman art (1997), early Christians in Aragon (2000), the romanization of the middle Ebro Valley (2002), the Atlas of Ancient History (1987) or the Palaeohispanic coins (2015). He is editor of monographs on Caesar Augusta (2007), the conference on the beginning of the epigraphic cultures in the Roman west (1995) and three of the Coloquios sobre lenguas y culturas paleohispánicas (1999, 2005, 2009), and recently he has contributed to the Oxford Handbook of Roman Epigraphy on the Epigraphic habit and the main Roman epigraphic types (2015). He has benefitted of research stays in Munich, Heidelberg, Rome, Oxford and Paris, where he was visiting professor at the École Normale Superieure (2010).

He is director of the journal Palaeohispanica and of the series Las ciudades romanas de Hispania (L’Erma di Bretschneider, Rome).

John Gardiner

John Gardiner

Ulysseus International Cooperation Project Manager at MCI | The Entrepreneurial School
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He is responsible for the coordination of Ulysseus partnerships outside the EU. Previously, coordinated the COMPASS Ulysseus Satellite project initiative.

Marjanneke Vijge 

Marjanneke Vijge

Associate Professor at the Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, Utrecht University, the Netherlands
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Marjanneke Vijge is Associate Professor at the Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, Utrecht University, the Netherlands. Her current research focuses on policy coherence around the Sustainable Development Goals and the implications for social inequality in Africa and Asia. Marjanneke is involved in four international research projects on this topic, including a research project that she leads on the water-energy-food nexus in South Africa. Marjanneke is also Academic Director of CHARM-EU and Programme Leader of the joint European Master's programme 'Global Challenges for Sustainability' that she helped to develop. Marjanneke is lead developer of the Capstone, the final 6 months of the Master's in which student teams work together with societal actors to address sustainability challenges in Europe and beyond.