Registration | Science with and for Society in European University Alliances

Cross-Alliances Forum 2023

This is the registration form for the Science with and for Society in European University Alliances - Cross-Alliances Forum 2023 which will be held next 30 November and 1 December in Brussels.

The purpose of the conference is to celebrate the results of the completed and ongoing R&I projects within the European University Alliances. Participants will actively engage in discussions pertaining to the future course and sustainable support for Alliances in their R&I domains.

Regarding the workshops and roundtables sessions, please add your priorities. The Organising Committee will try as much as possible to reflect the privileged choice but we need to have an equal distribution between each workshop and roundtables in order to respect the number of seats available in each room.

If you require this registration form in any other format, please, contact the conference organisers at

Learn more about the programme here

We look forward to welcoming you in person and online, for some sessions, on behalf of the Organising Committee!

Event information

Fecha: 30 November and 1 December
Ubicación: Université Libre de Bruxelles
Questions and queries:

Some sessions will be live streamed. For more information, you can check the programme.