Governance & Organisational Structure

CHARM-EU is an alliance that was created in 2019 in response to the European University Initiative launched by the European Commission. The expanded alliance since 2023 is composed by nine universities University of Barcelona, Trinity College Dublin, Utrecht University, Eötvös Loránd University Budapest, University of Montpellier, Abo Akademi University, Julius Maximiliam University Würzburg, Hochschule Ruhr West and University of Bergen) that gather to create a Challenge-driven, Accessible, Research-Based and Mobile European University.

The purpose of this new European University is to become a world example of the best of the European education, research and innovation tradition, offering a plural, inclusive, flexible, student-centred learning experience to citizens from the entire world. In other words, it is a test bed for innovation and a mean to improve our universities.



Rectors assembly

Rector UB
Prof. Joan Guàrdia Olmos
Rector of the University of Barcelona (UB) (Chair as coordinating institution)

Joan Guàrdia Olmos is a professor of Methodology of Behavioural Sciences at the Faculty of Psychology. He arrived at the University of Barcelona as a student of the Faculty of Economic Sciences and he combined these studies with Psychology studies. Expert on statistics and the systematic study of human behaviour, he has given lectures at the Faculty of Psychology, but also in the faculties of Pharmacy, Economics and Business, Geography and History, Nursing, Education and Biology. He has given seminars and courses and has supervised doctoral theses in different national and international universities. Guàrdia has published more than 30 books and more than 260 science articles, apart from being the principal researcher of many research projects. He has held several positions in academic management, and is now member of the Institute of Neurosciences of the UB and the Institute of Complex Systems (UBICS), where he does research on quantitative and computational neuroscience.

Linda Doyle picture
Prof. Linda Doyle
Provost, Trinity College Dublin (TCD)

Professor Linda Doyle is the 45th Provost of the Trinity College Dublin and took up office in August 2021. A Professor of Engineering and the Arts at Trinity, Professor Doyle has held the role of Dean of Research at Trinity and was the founder Director of CONNECT, the Science Foundation Ireland national research centre for Future Networks and Communications. Her expertise is in the fields of wireless communications, cognitive radio, reconfigurable networks, spectrum management and creative arts practices.  Professor Doyle has been Chair of the Douglas Hyde Gallery and is Chair of the Ofcom Spectrum Advisory Board in the UK. Originally from Cork, Professor Doyle initially studied electrical engineering at UCC, before completing a Masters and PhD in Trinity.

Henk Kummeling
Prof. Henk Kummeling
University of Utrecht (UU)

Henk Kummeling has served as Utrecht University's Rector Magnificus since 1 June 2018. Kummeling studied law in Nijmegen, where he also obtained his doctoral degree in 1988. In 1994, he was appointed Professor of Constitutional and Administrative Law at Tilburg University. He has been a Professor at Utrecht University since 1995 and served as Dean of the Faculty of Law, Economics and Governance from 1 September 2008 until 1 September 2014. In 2015, the Executive Board appointed him a Distinguished Professor of Utrecht University for his outstanding academic record. Between 2002 and 2006, Kummeling chaired the committee that introduced the 'Utrecht teaching model'. He has lectured in China, Indonesia, the United Kingdom, the United States, Suriname and South Africa. Law students in Utrecht and Tilburg have elected him 'lecturer of the year' on numerous occasions.

László Borhy
Prof. László Borhy
Rector of Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) Budapest

László Borhy graduated in Archaeology from the Faculty of Humanities, Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary, in 1988, and received his PhD in Roman Provincial Archaeology from the same university in 1996. His research focuses on Archaeology and History of Roman Pannonia, Latin Epigraphics, Roman Military History, Roman Arts and Sources of Later Roman Military History. Prof. Borhy has published nearly 100 papers in the field of Roman Archaeology. Currently, he is professor of archaeology at ELTE. Between 2015-2017 he served as Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, since August of 2017 he is Rector of ELTE. He was awarded the Prize of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in 2007. Since 2013 he is Corresponding Member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

Prof. Philippe Augé
President, University of Montpellier (UM)

Philippe Augé is a professor of public law specializing in tax law, tax procedures and public finances. He was elected President of the University of Montpellier in 2015. Previously, Philippe Augé was Director of the Common University Service of Information, Guidance and Professional Integration (SCUIO-IP) of UM1 from 2002 to 2009 , Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors of UM1 from 2004 to 2009, President of UM1 from 2009 to 2015 and President of the Research and Higher Education Cluster (PRES "Sud de France").

Professor ThD Mikael Lindfelt. Rector of Åbo Akademi University.
Prof. Mikael Lindfelt
Rector of Åbo Akademi University

Mikael Lindfelt is Professor of Systematic Theology, especially theological ethics, philosophy of religion and philosophy of life. Lindfelt also holds degrees and excellence awards in philosophy and sports studies. He was appointed Rector of Åbo Akademi University on 1 February 2022, but before that he was Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Psychology and Theology (2017–2019) and Vice-rector for Education (2019–2022). 

In his field of research, Lindfelt has published and edited 13 books and a total of about 70 articles. He has led and been active in several national interdisciplinary research projects, where theological and ethical perspectives have been part of natural, psychological and life science projects.  

In addition to being Rector of Åbo Akademi University, Lindfelt is a member of the board of Novia University of Applied Sciences, a member of the board of Science Park in Turku and a member of the board of the Academica Foundation in Stockholm.  

Paul Pauli President of the University of Würzburg
Prof. Paul Pauli
President of the University of Würzburg

Paul Pauli studied psychology at the University of Tübingen and later held positions as a doctoral researcher at the Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry in Munich and as a post-doctoral researcher at the Department of Medical Psychology and Psychosomatics at the Technical University of Munich.

He completed his doctorate in 1991 and earned his Habilitation in medical psychology at the Institute of Medical Psychology and Behavioural Neurobiology at the University of Tübingen in 1997. From 2000 to 2001, he held the Chair of Clinical Psychology Research at the University of Southampton, England. Since 2001, Paul Pauli has held the Chair of Psychology I, Biological Psychology, Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy at JMU. His research interests include anxiety disorders, pain and addiction. He is president of JMU since April 2021.

President of the Hochschule Ruhr West
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Susanne Staude
President of the Hochschule Ruhr West

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Susanne Staude graduated 1998 in Special Environmental Engineering from Brunel University in the UK. After finishing her studies, she worked in the UK and Germany as a development engineer in the automotive industry before moving to Cologne University of Applied Sciences in 2003. From October 2006 to October 2010, Susanne Staude was a research assistant at the Chair of Thermodynamics at the University of Duisburg-Essen.

In February 2011, she completed her doctorate at the University of Duisburg-Essen on the topic of "Mechanistic Investigations on Premixed Laminar Flames" and has been Professor of Thermodynamics at the Institute of Energy Systems and Energy Economics at the Ruhr West University of Applied Sciences since March 2011.

In October 2015, she was appointed Vice President for Learning and Teaching, and in 2018 she became interim President at Ruhr West University of Applied Sciences. Susanne Staude was elected as President in 2019. Since then she has strongly promoted the internationalization and the dissemination of the European Idea within Ruhr West University of Applied Sciences.